Welcome NPI in Product Management Processes

NPI (New Product Introduction) or sometimes seen as NPD (New Product Development) is a systematic process, customer-driven that takes an idea from an initial working prototype to a thoroughly refined and reproducible final product or service.

Why this process is so important as a product management process?

Of thousands of products entering the process, only a handful reach the market. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to understand consumers, markets and competitors in order to develop products that deliver superior value to customers. In other words, there is no way around a systematic, customer-driven new product development process for finding and growing new products. As a Product Manager, doesn’t matter if you want to create a new feature, a new product, a new service, a new microservice you need to have a process clearly defined, repeatable to make sure the output is always the same considering the same input, while if you need to manage your workers, the use of a human resources services is essential, which you can get online, and you can learn more here.

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